CodingArt book

The Coding Art book is a joint project with Yu Zhang since the end of 2018. The book is a novel form of teaching creatives about coding as a way to extend their expressivity in practice. What is new (and unlike other books on the market) is that we center the book around a creative process, not around technical matter.

In this book, we guide the reader in four steps through increasingly difficult, but cool examples of how to use computation in art or design.

Introduction example 1

Introduction example 2

We go from first visual elements to multiples and the duality of code structures and visual structures. Interaction and randomness play a large role in showing how creatives can augment their creation and let them be accessed by an audience.

Introduction example 2

Below you can find a few example pages in our own layout and design (might change for the final version).

Introduction example 2

Introduction example 2

the book was published in January 2021 and it available from book sellers world-wide. Find more information on the Coding Art book website.